My father is Spanish from Spain in Europe, so he's white. My mother is African-American. I have curly brown hair, green eyes and fair skin. I look somewhat white, but I'm not really. So what am I?
Am I black or white?
You are Multi-Racial.
The links below may be of some interest
Hope that helps.
Have a nice day. :D
Am I black or white?
You are who you are.
Am I black or white?
Am I black or white?
You are Black and White. You shouldn't be forced to 'choose' a race. Why deny part of your culture?
Am I black or white?
You are mixed race or some would say half caste. Your parents who provide half your genes each are of to different races.
Am I black or white?
You're mix-race
Am I black or white?
In my mind you are who you are, not what you are...revel in both cultures.
Am I black or white?
Bi-racial, or of mixed race. You can call yourself whichever you like.
Am I black or white?
so is my bf, his mother is from sevilla and father is african-american and he considers himself both.
Am I black or white?
why woud you ask such a question on yahoo answers??
ask your parents, ask yourself.
Am I black or white?
Am I black or white?
you are half blooded,,
a human being,, that is enough.
Am I black or white?
You are you we should judge by the color of ours skin, but for who we are. I come from the south where I was taught other that people of a dark skin color were not good. Over the years I have learn that is wrong, I am trying to rise my to judge people for who they are not by skin color.
Am I black or white?
A member of the human race!
Am I black or white?
I would call you a beautiful woman period.
Am I black or white?
a moron!
Am I black or white?
well genetically, you're bi-racial. But you are whatever you identify with. I'm 1/4 black and I identify black but my sister doesn't.
Am I black or white?
biracial DUH
Am I black or white?
You are a human being! God's child do not get caught up in these boxes society has categorized for people. I'm supposed to be African American but I don't agree with that. I am who I am... not a color not a race just me! And you are too. Love yourself and don't worry about which box to check!
Am I black or white?
You are whatever you choose
Am I black or white?
Am I black or white?
your mixed man
Am I black or white?
white+white= white. My aunt who is Nigerian is married to an Irish man. They have two boys. One has red hair like his dad and the other has green eyes like his dad. They are also fair in skin complexion, but not really white looking. Are they white? NO. Are they black? NO. They are BIRACIAL.
Am I black or white?
mixed .. mulatto
Am I black or white?
You are what you say you are. You can belong to the superior African race or the white race. The third option (which most biracial people don't take) is calling yourself biracial. However most biracial peoples will consider themselves to be Black as will society per se the 1/8 laws. Derek Jeter, for instance, is referred to as Black by the media, not biracial. Obviously, i don't know how you look. It's possible you could "pass" for white, if in fact, that is your goal. This question was rather vague. But the bottom line is you're a mixture and society will call you whatever they do based on your appearance. Although you sound like you may look hispanic; so you'll probably have people talking to you in spanish like my light-skinned Black friend does.
Am I black or white?
you sound like one hot chick to me
Am I black or white?
You are both. Love both sides of you equally!!!!
Am I black or white?
you are a mixed individual - be proud of it
Am I black or white?
Human, Mixed, Yourself
Am I black or white?
You are a human being. Why are you stressing so much to define yourself into one classification or another. Simply be yourself... A human being... God bless****
Am I black or white?
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