Saturday, November 28, 2009

Does L'oreal Feria work well on African American hair?

I'm thinking of dying my hair a dark burgundy color and my natural hair is super black. I also have a relaxer in my hair. Should I go ahead and try Feria I bought a box last week.

Does L'oreal Feria work well on African American hair?

Yes feria works well on black hair, but with you having really black hair it wont take. But DONT BLEACH your hair if you have a relaxer IT WILL FALL OUT!!!! trust me I know. The best thing to do is going to a salon so they can lift the black from your hair and then the color sholud take.

Does L'oreal Feria work well on African American hair?

you would have to bleach it a little first, as the dye wont show up on black hair.

i love african hair though, dont dye it. (:

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