Friday, November 27, 2009

What race would you say spends the most money on hair products?

i dont want to single out african americans and whites, but i'm going to anyways.

What race would you say spends the most money on hair products?

I wouldn't say a specific race does. A specific age group though? Yes. Teenage girls waste the most money on hair products. They will buy the most expensive shampoo just because it smells like their favorite berry, dying hair is popular these days, straightining, crimping, and curling is also very important. I'd say all teenage girls of any race waste about the same amount of money in the long run.

What race would you say spends the most money on hair products?

I would go with white mallrats from the 80's with the big sprayed up "Mall Hair".

What race would you say spends the most money on hair products?

women in general are suckers for hair products. I'd say that the products are different and marketed to women of specific physical traits. You'd have to look at the books of a typical cosmetic company to get an idea - unless you want mere opinion which means close to zilch.

What race would you say spends the most money on hair products?

African Americans, of course.

What race would you say spends the most money on hair products?

Weeeell, trying to find the right product costs most women and a great deal of men a good amount of money. It's really hard to say.

I've heard some surveys that say African-Americans spend more, but that doesn't make sense when I take into account how OFTEN the products are used. Also, from what I've seen, so-called "black hair care" items (I use many of these as well, they just work with stick-straight coarse Cherokee hair,) they tend to work better for less money. I would definitely have to say Caucasians are the biggest spenders on hair care overall.

Either way, thank goodness for hair lotion.

What race would you say spends the most money on hair products?

the race of women.

What race would you say spends the most money on hair products?

But u dont see black people go to fancy beauty salon payiny $200 for a haircut, and $$$ to get their hair colored....other races do

What race would you say spends the most money on hair products?

Black women. We spend the most money on our hair period. I'm sooo thinking of doing sister locks, but even then I'd have to pay for maintenance. AAHHH!!!

What race would you say spends the most money on hair products?

Definitely not me, i don't even use condition, now the shampoo is a little expensive, its $20 a bottle, but i totally love it. Although i think women from all races use a lot of hair products, I would say African American women spend more money than any other race.

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