I'm an african american female and my hair is past my shoulders when I wear it down. I get a perm(no-lye relaxer) about every 1 and ahalf months. What would happen if I didn't get a perm for like 2 years, and I didn't cut it or anything?
P.S. I would never do this
Just wondering?
Your hair would end up looking pretty ghetto because you would have part of your hair relaxed and part of your hair natural. Then you would have a lot of breakage and it would be harder to manage your hair or pick up a fine brother ... you know what Im saying. I believe that you should choose natural or relaxed hair. You will look great if you choose from those two options but not both at the same time. I say all of this with a sisterly love.
Just wondering?
it would probably big long
Just wondering?
You would get a lot of spilt ends!
Just wondering?
well sound like you have a good hair and take care of it,, usually not always if you stop with the perms,,or relaxer, when it starts to grow out, there will be a growth line of new growth, the hair has a tendency to break off there ,, and you still need a trim every so often to keep split ends at bay,,, good luck
Just wondering?
well the only thing that can happen if you dont relax your hair anymore is that your hair will be healthier and nappier..and not to mention that it should grow..
Just wondering?
your new growth would take over your head. your relaxed hair would end up breaking off and you would have a head full of beautiful nappy hair (minus the nasty split ends). so yea if anyone did that and didn't want to cut their hair, i would say that was pretty stupid. (i'm only saying that since you said you would never do it).
Just wondering?
It'd break off where the natural hair and the relaxed hair met. I've done this before and no matter how much I conditioned it it broke off.
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