Saturday, November 21, 2009

Evolution question: Why is it that people of differnt races and cultures have differnt bone structur

okay, i get the fact that people's skin tones are differnt because of where they live. but has it been proven why bone structure is so differnt among the cultures? why african american's noses and lips are larger, why our hair is of differnt texture from asians, caucasians, etc...why hair color is differnt, why asian's eyes are more (i dont know how to describe it) um, thinner than others?

if there are no explanations for these, then i have a whole lot more questions about evolution. but too many to write down right now.

Evolution question: Why is it that people of differnt races and cultures have differnt bone structure?

because bonesturcture is one of the adaptive things in the human body,

i graduated fysiotherapy and the first thing we learnt in school is that function makes form. a person who has been swimming all his life will have a completely differenty bonestructure(flexible shoulders, straight legs, feet slightly turned inwards.) than a person whos been playing soccer all his life. (o-legged, feet more outwards, back more arched)

infact, you can nearly always tell which sport a person has practiced a life long by looking at their posture.

the same goes for people living in different geographical area's. hunters from northern africa used to completely behave differently than agricultureres from middle europe, or ricepickers from asia. hence their bodystructure adapted to the form best suited to those tasks.

also as you might know, some races are better suited to tasks as a result, kenians are GREAT runners, and therefor win nearly every marathon. asians have much better hand eye coordination, and dominate sports like bedmenton, but they have outward placed legs and shorter bodies, which makes them lowsy swimmers. and so on and so on.

Evolution question: Why is it that people of differnt races and cultures have differnt bone structure?

Well, Black Americans and Africans have kinky hair to protect their head from the sun rays. That was the purpose.


Other than that I believe everyone had* a certain place in the world until you know what ...*ahem*

Evolution question: Why is it that people of differnt races and cultures have differnt bone structure?

i dont know

Evolution question: Why is it that people of differnt races and cultures have differnt bone structure?

Our ancestors had to adapt to many different climates.

White people have thin noses because of the thin cold air.

Blacks have wider noses because of the humid air.

See what I mean.

That's interesting Mr.Zwink!

Evolution question: Why is it that people of differnt races and cultures have differnt bone structure?

good question ive wondered about the nose and eye hair thing too skin is easy but the others are not but i do know that the way they tell what race a skull is by the nose but dont know why it is different

Evolution question: Why is it that people of differnt races and cultures have differnt bone structure?

we are all the same but our body adapts to where we live from generations like you said for the skin color... so same goes for the rest of the body....

have a great day....

Evolution question: Why is it that people of differnt races and cultures have differnt bone structure?

I will also add that big lips are for extracing juices from plants.

Slanted eyes protect the eyes in windy conditions.

Evolution question: Why is it that people of differnt races and cultures have differnt bone structure?

we are probably descended from a mixture of human races rather than the one we smugly refer to as homosapien. One tribe of australian aborigine where discovered on an island who having been isolated for millenia could not breed with other humans. People in south east asia can still not drink cows milk yet many cultures around the world have been able to over come the natural human rejection reflex and consume pints of the stuff on a daily basis. There is a joke that scandinavian people are so tall because like plants they have to strain to reach the daylight. It is mostly down to environment/diet over many centuries

Evolution question: Why is it that people of differnt races and cultures have differnt bone structure?

Through years of changes in our DNA.

To adapt to conditions and places we live.

But it all has to do with our genes. If uncle harry has a big nose, more than likely, you or your kids will get a big @ss nose.

Evolution question: Why is it that people of differnt races and cultures have differnt bone structure?

yea i think its evolution too thats why i hate it when people say race doesnt matter with looks dont generalize blah blah blah b.s

asians have slanty eyes

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